Annual result
Swiss Transfusion SRC closed out 2017 with a nearly break-even result.
The impact of the continuing downward trend in blood use included financial repercussions for Swiss Transfusion SRC: income from the blood supply division dropped again in 2017, by over 3 per cent in 2017 (2016: 10 per cent).

SBSC income stable
Income associated with donor searches and transplantation comprises the biggest income category for the SBSC division. This income is made up of payments from health insurance funds (patients in Switzerland) and from foreign partner registries (patients abroad).
The number of search requests in 2017 was slightly higher than in 2016; the number of collections and transplantations remained at approximately the same level, while confirmatory typing procedures were down slightly. Overall income from donor searches and transplantation dropped from CHF 12 million (2016) to around CHF 11.5 million. Thanks to an optimised search process, Swiss Transfusion SRC was largely able to compensate for revenue shortfalls associated with reduced flat-rate fees for services.
Under a mandate from the Federal Office of Public Health, Swiss Transfusion SRC is responsible for the follow-up for all unrelated and related donors in Switzerland. The financing arrangements were changed in 2017 in connection with the amendment of the Swiss Transplantation Ordinance: As they have in the past, patients’ insurers cover a one-off fee for the medical care. Under the new arrangement, the Swiss government bears the administrative costs of follow-up. Previously, all costs were covered by the insurance providers. This change does not have any impact on the result: all expenses continue to be covered.
Fundraising for new registrations
Costs for expanding the registry of donors are not covered by public funds. The registration and tissue typing of new donors therefore has to be paid for with income from fundraising. Total per-registration costs still amount to CHF 140. The further expansion of the registry continues to pose a great challenge.

Balanced budget
After changes in fund and organisational capital, the annual results show a small surplus of about CHF 30 000. The annual financial statement was audited by the auditors Ernst & Young AG according to the Swiss GAAP FER standards and the principles of the limited audit. The complete and audited annual financial statement, as well as the auditor’s report, can be ordered from Swiss Transfusion SRC.