Broadly based monetary donations
To expand the registry of blood stem cell donors, Swiss Transfusion SRC depends on contributions from private individuals and institutions. In 2017, the total amount donated came to almost CHF

Swiss Transfusion SRC has to cover the costs for the registration of every new blood stem cell donor; no funds for this purpose are provided within the framework of our mandate from the Swiss government. The funds provided by private and institutional donors contribute directly towards expanding the registry and thus towards giving patients who have a life-threatening blood disease a chance for a cure.
Competition on the Swiss donor market is tough. Nonetheless, at
Public fundraising: new donor pools
Donations from the public fundraising area, amounting to
Foundations: focus on French-speaking Switzerland
The contributions from foundations rose by 37 per cent in 2017, totalling
The largest share of the contributions (45 per cent) came from foundations in French-speaking Switzerland, which was at the focus fundraising efforts aimed at foundations in 2017. Another 35 per cent came from German-speaking Switzerland and 20 per cent came from the Principality of Liechtenstein. In 2017, as in 2016, no grants came in from the lottery funds. New applications can be submitted again in 2018.
Additional income imperative
Costs for the registration of a new donor currently amount to CHF 140. To meet these costs, we intend to tap new pools of donors and motivate existing benefactors to donate regularly. In 2018, foundation fundraising efforts will focus on German-speaking Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein, and also on the applications to the lottery funds.